Gorgeous Food & Product Photography for Ambitious Soulpreneurs


You are destined for great things and you know it. Your business is growing and you have an amazing product that needs to get the attention it deserves. And for that, you know you need great visuals.

More importantly, you’re ready. Ready to invest and play bigger.

Ready to have the perfect photos to expand your message and reach all those who need you.

Ready to increase your impact- and be seen everywhere.


You are ready to harness the full power of a customized visual strategy to get where you’re meant to go.

But where to begin? With all there is to do in one day, fighting your camera settings is not the most effective way to spend your time.

Growing like you deserve, requires finding a person you can trust, and who can turn your story, your essence and all the brilliance of your brand into visuals that magnetize the right people.

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Thrive is a photography + videography package for driven, successful and soulful entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in visuals that are beautiful, authentic, strategic, effective  and can propel their business forward.

Whether you’re redesigning your website, or planning the launch of a new product, Thrive is designed to provide you with the perfect strategy, images and video to grow your income, attract your ideal clients, and skyrocket your visibility. 


(because when you work with me, stunning photos are only the beginning)

marcela macias photography rose gold treatment logo by marbel canseco compressor


Your brand is not cookie-cutter, so neither should be your photos. Your photos should look like you, sound like you, feel like you.  I design your photos to make sure your voice is strong and clear and attracts the right people.

This includes analysis  of your ICA, positioning, branding archetype and business goals. All my nerdy brain  and my creativity are dedicated to helping your business grow.

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I believe the energy we bring to the work we do affects its results, which is why I make sure everything I do is infused with high vibration.

From making sure every prop, every detail and every image is an accurate representation of the soul of your brand, to playing abundance mantras in the background while I shoot, I aim for all your photos to become your business talisman.

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1 BRAND VIDEO (optional)

Photo + Video, strategically working together, have the power to catapult your promo results to a whole new level.

With this package, you can get one brand video, professionally shot by me, and perfectly edited by a professional video editor, to maximize the power of your launch, with attention grabbing motion graphics text.

marcela macias photography rose gold treatment logo by marbel canseco compressor


As my client, you’ll have my expert guidance during every step of the process and beyond. After your photos are delivered, you’ll have access to an exclusive client portal, with step by step training videos to help you make the most of your photos.

My main objective? to help you succeed wildly.

When I first came across Marcela, I absolutely fell in love with her photographs. Her food photography always looked so delicious and inviting, and that was exactly the style that I wanted for my own business, so when I decided to invest in professional photography, she was the first person I contacted.

I was concerned initially that working with a photographer based in a different country might be tricky (we’re based in the UK). I needn’t have been worried, though, as Marcela was so organised and everything ran smoothly.

She made perfect use of technology including Skype, Email, Instagram, Twitter and Periscope to make sure she understood what I wanted, and to keep me updated as the project progressed. We probably had more contact than some suppliers I’ve worked with based in the same country as myself! Besides, I absolutely loved being able to see the project unfold. It wasn’t like I briefed the photography and then a few weeks later I got the photos. I really felt involved. One day I might see props for the photoshoot; another day I was looking at colour palettes. I felt like I was part of the process from start to finish.

What makes Marcela’s services special is that they’re holistic. Right from the beginning of the project, she tried to get to know me and my business, to really understand my ideal customers and what direction I was trying to take my business in. Investment in this sort of detail upfront is not something I’ve experienced before.

The new photography has allowed us to relaunch our website and we’re so pleased with the results. The new website is a much better reflection of who we are as a business, and will hopefully attract a new customer base for us. Even though it’s early days, we are already seeing our product being added to new categories on some of the food websites we sell with, and these decisions are often largely based on the quality of the photography.

I would absolutely recommend Marcela, to both food and non-food businesses.


Entrepreneur, The Little Pancake Company


  • You're a soulful, ambitious entrepreneur with a mission, a vision and a passion for creating work that helps others.
  • You understand marketing and sales, and the impact that great, customized photography & video can have in them.
  • You have a clear vision of who you are, who you want to reach and where you want to take your business in the short and medium term.
  • You are willing and ready to invest in working with a professional who can get you the results you crave while you sip margaritas under a Palm tree.


  • Your never made a sale and you don't know who your ideal clients should be.
  • You are not sure professional photography is worth the investment, so you prefer to keep snapping with your phone even if you don't like the results, because it's free.
  • You hate the idea of delegating, and don't want any strategic advice, even if it stalls your growth.
  • You prefer to wing it without a strategy, think talking about money and conversions is "nonspiritual",  and don't mind losing money while you figure it all out.


Simple from start to finish, I make sure all details are taken care of, every step of the way

Discovery Call: We’ll begin my making sure we’re creative soul-mates, and that we can work joyfully together. After you’ve booked your initial meeting, I’ll send you a link to fill out a short questionnaire about your needs, and then we’ll meet via skype to discuss everything about it.
Photoshoot: The big day! This is where you sit back and relax, while I make the magic happen in my studio. I’ll prop, style, and shoot all the photos we agreed on your shot list, as well as some extra ones for you to have variety when choosing your favorites. If the shoot takes more than one day, I’ll keep you updated of its evolution, so you always know where we are in the process.
Contract & Invoice: After our call, I’ll send you a contract for you to sign digitally, and with the click of a button,  and an invoice for you to make a payment.
Post- Production: Once the shoot is finished, I’ll start editing all photos in Photoshop, using a professionally color-calibrated monitor to make sure all your photos look perfect, in both print and web.
Strategy, Design & Moodboard: After you’ve made your first payment, we’ll start the VIP  work. You’ll receive a link to your private client page, where you’ll find all information related to every step of the project, and a downloadable link to all documents we sign together. You’ll also have access to two branding personality tests, a custom styling questionnaire, and a link to book our 60 minute strategy call.  After we meet, I’ll put all info together and create a custom mood board for your project and a shot list, and send them to you for approval.
Proofs, Final Payment & Delivery: Once editing is finalized, I’ll upload all your photos to your private online gallery, where you’ll be able to select your favorites. You’ll also have one round of edits to make any adjustments you desire to get your photos to look like you dream. I’ll then send you the invoice for the final payment and, within 24hrs, email your photos for you to download with the click of a button.
Sourcing: Once the moodboard is approved and the style for your photos is set, I’ll source everything we need for the shoot and purchase the special props that will be exclusive to your photos.  This is also the time when you’ll need to email and ship to me anything you want me to include in your photos (finalized recipes, products or props that are meaningful to your brand, etc). We’ll also set a date for the photoshoot to take place.
Access to bonus trainings: Together with the photos, I’ll send you access to the exclusive client portal, where you’ll find a series of step by step bonus video trainings to help you maximize your investment. I’ll also ship back to you whatever you’ve sent me for the shoot, and email you a tracking code for the shipment.
I was so impressed with how easily Marcela picked up on the feel / mood / look of my brand – she was so easy to communicate with and there wasn’t any worry that she wasn’t on the same page as me.

She got my vision for the product pictures, understood how important they were for telling my brand story, and executed them without a hitch! She worked super fast, updated me through the project so I always knew what stage we were at (she even shared behind the scenes pictures of her working on the photo shoot for my product pictures! That was a real treat for me!), and my pictures were delivered on time, in the formats I needed, and without any technical glitches.

Working with Marcela took a huge load off my shoulders as I knew that this wasn’t a project I needed to worry about at all. That, to a busy business owner like me, is priceless! I should also mention that Marcela and I live worlds away – I’m in Canada and the distance didn’t get in the way of the quality of work, communication, or professionalism!

I would 100% recommend Marcela to any business owners who are serious about the visual branding and image of their business and want to work with a photographer who makes the process completely painless and worry-free! Thanks so much Marcela! You and your wonderful work were part of the recipe for my success in 2014!

Jamie Sabbot

CEO, Batty's Bath


I was hesitant to hire a professional photographer because I didn’t know whether it was going to be worth the investment. I shouldn’t have worried!

My sales more than DOUBLED after I added Marcela’s photos to my website and have continued to climb from there.

Great photos make a HUGE difference, and  Marcela does a fantastic job of styling them to make sure the products look their best. The results definitely speak for themselves!

Laura Fischer- Smith

Entrepreneur, I Heart Planners

Marcela provides an unbelievable service because she doesn’t just shoot: she works with you to ensure that the photographs are styled and designed to reach the final costumer.

Her photographs are not just beautiful and elegant, they are also part of a marketing strategy.

Victoria Zamora Duran

Entrepreneur, Salud Pelvica

The best thing about working with Marcela is how easy everything is. We just sent our recipes and got exactly what we were looking for. The process was even easier than working with local teams, which frequently require more planning and logistics.

Marcela immediately understood our brand and our vision and was able to translate that into our photos. And every time we post her photos in social media, we increase our sales.

Last month, we even broke a sales record!

Rafael Carles

CEO, Life Blends

Marcela is the perfect combination of Fairy Godmother + BFF you wanna tea party with + telepathic wizard who translates your vision with exquisite taste. The result: Jaw-dropping photos (wait a second, is that my recipe? No way Jose!) that turn fans into customers every time.
Mayi Carles

Artist, Entrepreneur, Life is Messy Kitchen & Life is Messy Bootcamp


Marcela Macias Photography

Marcela Macias

Photography, Video & Styling

Marcela Macias is Cyprus-based photographer and stylist with experience photographing for branding, cookbooks, ads and web for companies worldwide. She believes her camera has the alchemical power of reflecting the true beauty and power of what her clients do,  and is passionate about helping position her clients as experts in their industry, gain more fans and develop successful marketing campaigns. Her mission is to help women entrepreneurs stand out and shine their light with soulful and strategic photos that make people fall in love with their brands. 



20 versatile, strategic images allow for you to have a full collection designed with you in mind, and allowing plenty of variety to promote your work across the board, without tiring your audience with the same photos.

With 20 images, we can show your creations in action, photograph enough recipes for an opt-in book, highlight what makes your work special, create flat lays for your website and marketing images for your ads and blog posts that you can re-purpose with smart crops and overlays (I’ll teach you how to do this in the bonus trainings).

Complementing your set of images with one  professionally edited video, with custom-made footage  and custom intro with motion graphics,  can completely catapult you reach and maximize your results. And this is what I want for you: absolute success and a thriving business.


It usually takes 6-8 weeks between the time we start working together, and the delivery of the final shots.

I usually allocate  2 weeks to preparatory work, because this is the key part of the process, where we determine the right style for your photos based on your positioning, your ICA and your business objectives. Prep work includes questionnaires and tests that you’ll need to fill out, a 45-60 minute strategy meeting and a mood board, which you’ll need to approve before we move forward.

Once prep work is done, I set a date for the shoot, usually within a couple of weeks of the approval of the mood board to account for sourcing and prep time. Depending on the complexity of the shoot, it may take a few days to take all photos, and then it’s editing time, which usually takes a week.  If you want extra edits, this may take an extra week.

Once all photos are approved and selected, I’ll send you a final invoice and, once it’s paid, I’ll deliver all photos to you, online, within 24 hrs.

Props, or “atrezzos”, are the objects that surround your creation (your dish or your product) in order to add interest to it. They are the ones that ” set the scene” and help direct the eye view to your product and make it stand out.

My studio has a vast collection of props which I use for my client’s photos. Props are rotated regularly, and new props are added constantly to ensure diversity.

Prop styling (including the provision of props) is included in my custom photographic services, so you don’t need to ship any props to me. Should you wish your photos to include items that are hard to get, vintage, very expensive or specific to a certain country or region, you can either send them or I can source them for an extra fee.

My whole process is designed to make sure that you do.

This is why I take great time and care planning and designing how my client’s photos will look- a process of which you’ll be an active participant.This is also why, once the shooting is finalized, I am available to work with you for adapting the shots to your liking in post-processing.


In order for us to achieve the best results I need you to be clear on three things: who you are, who is your target/ideal customer and what you want to achieve.

Once you have that information, I take it from there and use my special method for designing (and executing) photos that are perfect for you and your brand and, most importantly: photos that get you results.

We’ll follow a thorough process that includes branding tests, questionnaires and a specially designed moodboard for you to approve the style before I shoot. You also have one round of edits, once the final shots are ready, for us to adjust anything that is needed.


In fact, most of my clients at the time are from outside of the country. I have worked with clients located in the USA, Canada, Panama, Spain and England.

For as long as you have an internet connection to communicate with me during the production and design stage of my services and to download the photographs, and are willing to ship your products to me by post, we are all set. I’ll guide you every step of the process and keep you updated regularly.

Great question. There are many kinds of videos we can shoot that don’t require you to be present in the same city as me. Recipe videos, products in action video, videos where we show hands that could be anyone’s.

If you want to appear in your video, there are three ways we can do that too:

  1. I can travel to where you live (for an additional cost),
  2. You can come to Cyprus (I can arrange everything for you, including hotel, make up and hair dresser and create a full VIP experience), or
  3. You can shoot your video interview yourself, with plenty of guidance from Emmy and me, with any camera you have (even your iPhone works fine!). I’ll then shoot the additional footage here (what is called B-roll), according to the storyboard we plan, and Emmy will edit it all to integrate beautifully into one gorgeous brand video that will knock your socks off.

How does that sound?

I completely understand. This is, in fact, a common fear most of my clients have before working with me, but after they see how simple it is, they become clients for life.

Here are some of the guarantees I offer:


  1. A contract. Every aspect of our working together will be described in a thorough contract we’ll both sign before you make your first payment.
  2. A dedicated client page where every aspect of our working is carefully described, and where you’ll have copies of all documents. Lost a receipt? Need copies of your branding tests? Everything will be there, as well as guidance as to what to do next, schedulers for booking our meetings and all my contact info (yes, including my cell phone and whatsapp details).
  3. Weekly emails, at COT Friday, letting you know where we are with the project, what needs to be done next and what I need from you. You’ll never be left wondering what is happening.
  4. End of stage emails, letting you know when we move to the next project phase.
  5. A thorough process for determining the right style for your photos, so they support your positioning, engage your ideal clients and help you make money. This takes time, but it’s so worth it!
  6. The possibility to have one round of extra edits, to adjust anything you need.
No. Production costs such as travel outside of Nicosia, Cyprus, and the cost of ingredients in Food Photography need to be borne by the client.

I am happy to provide cost estimates together with my quote, in order for you to have an accurate budget, if you need me to, and to explain all costs involved during our exploratory meeting.

Weapons of any kind. Pornographic material (not judging, just not my thing). Anything illegal. Contact me if you have any doubts
When you work with me I’ll give you a license to use your photos in your shop, website, social media and in print (branding collateral, ebooks, book covers, etc) worldwide and in perpetuity.

There are three important limitations: 1) I retain copyright, so you can’t make the photo pass as your own, 2) The license is limited to you and your own business. This means that you can’t sell it, transfer it or sub-license it.

If your business has a multi-level marketing structure or you license the use of your products for other professionals to use your method, and you want to provide photos for them as part of the package, please let me know so I can quote a multiple license option that covers your licensees as well.


Book our discovery call so we can create the perfect visuals for your brand.

Logo Design by Marbel Canseco Studio | Photography and content © Marcela Macias Photography, 2011-2022. All Rights Reserved.

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