The Holidays Collection | 5 image set | €55
The Full Holidays Collection includes 5 High Resolution JPEG Images (5000x3000px, 300 dpi), delivered electronically automatically after purchase.
I created this collection inspired by the joy my children feel when setting up the Christmas tree and writing letters to Santa.
I wanted these images to be simple and beautiful, so you can make your creations and your words take center stage. You can also add color overlays (blocks of color) and crop them by zooming into small details, to maximize their usage.
All images are big and high resolution (300 dpi), which means they print beautifully. You can use them to create business cards, brochures, client welcome packs, magazines, stickers (to personalize packaging, for example) any type of promotional material and even to illustrate your books.
Every color and every object in my photos has a meaning and a purpose. Here is what each of them represents and why they’re there
White: Symbolizes Integration, purity, void, stillness, light, child like innocence and hard won wisdom
Green: Associated with the Heart Chakra. Represents: Growth, freshness, fertility, life, life energy.
Yellow: Symbolizes radiance, royalty, fertility, the Sun. For ancient alchemists, it symbolized a stage in the process towards wholeness, the return of energy and involvement with life
I believe the energy we bring to our work influences its outcome. This is why I take care to clear out negative energies before creating and photograph with mantras.
This collection was designed listening to Chritmas Carrolls. It was photographed and edited listening to To Drive the Cold Winter Away, A Winter Garden and The Mask and The Mirror, all by Loreena McKennit.
The Collection was also infused with the intention that every one of these photos helps you attract the perfect customers and clients, and helps your business grow beyond your wildest dreams.
Marcela Macias Photography remains the sole and exclusive owner and holder of the copyright in all images. This means that you can’t claim the image as your own, imitate the style, commission similar images to another photographer, nor can you sell, lease, loan, transfer, assign, or give away the image in full or in part, nor allow a third-party to use the image in any way nor create derivative works with it.
Your purchase grants you a non-exclusive, limited use license for personal or commercial use in the normal course of your business. The license is limited to (1) ONE business, which means that you can’t sub-license it, or use it in a multi level or licensee business model. If you need multiple licenses, please contact me for a quote.
You may crop the images and overlay them with texts, images or pdfs in order to promote your products and services, but you are not authorized to otherwise alter it or manipulate it. You can’t take crop or clone objects out of the image or create new images by layering the objects differently.
You may not use any of these images to promote work that may compete with Marcela Macias Photography, including styling or photography workshops, courses, e-books, among others.
When using the image in the printed press (books or magazines), please attribute the image appropriately: © Marcela Macias Photography , 2017. All rights reserved.
If you have any doubts regarding authorized use, please contact me at
The Holidays Collection- Card Mockups | 5 image set | €55
The Full Holidays Collection – Card Mockupsincludes 5 High Resolution JPEG Images (5000x3000px, 300 dpi), delivered electronically automatically after purchase.
I created this collection inspired by the joy my children feel when setting up the Christmas tree and writing letters to Santa.
I wanted these images to be simple and beautiful, so you can make your creations and your words take center stage. You can also add color overlays (blocks of color) and crop them by zooming into small details, to maximize their usage.
All images are big and high resolution (300 dpi), which means they print beautifully. You can use them to create business cards, brochures, client welcome packs, magazines, stickers (to personalize packaging, for example) any type of promotional material and even to illustrate your books.
Every color and every object in my photos has a meaning and a purpose. Here is what each of them represents and why they’re there
White: Symbolizes Integration, purity, void, stillness, light, child like innocence and hard won wisdom
Green: Associated with the Heart Chakra. Represents: Growth, freshness, fertility, life, life energy.
Yellow: Symbolizes radiance, royalty, fertility, the Sun. For ancient alchemists, it symbolized a stage in the process towards wholeness, the return of energy and involvement with life
I believe the energy we bring to our work influences its outcome. This is why I take care to clear out negative energies before creating and photograph with mantras.
This collection was designed listening to Chritmas Carrolls. It was photographed and edited listening to To Drive the Cold Winter Away, A Winter Garden and The Mask and The Mirror, all by Loreena McKennit.
The Collection was also infused with the intention that every one of these photos helps you attract the perfect customers and clients, and helps your business grow beyond your wildest dreams.
Marcela Macias Photography remains the sole and exclusive owner and holder of the copyright in all images. This means that you can’t claim the image as your own, imitate the style, commission similar images to another photographer, nor can you sell, lease, loan, transfer, assign, or give away the image in full or in part, nor allow a third-party to use the image in any way nor create derivative works with it.
Your purchase grants you a non-exclusive, limited use license for personal or commercial use in the normal course of your business. The license is limited to (1) ONE business, which means that you can’t sub-license it, or use it in a multi level or licensee business model. If you need multiple licenses, please contact me for a quote.
You may crop the images and overlay them with texts, images or pdfs in order to promote your products and services, but you are not authorized to otherwise alter it or manipulate it. You can’t take crop or clone objects out of the image or create new images by layering the objects differently.
You may not use any of these images to promote work that may compete with Marcela Macias Photography, including styling or photography workshops, courses, e-books, among others.
When using the image in the printed press (books or magazines), please attribute the image appropriately: © Marcela Macias Photography , 2017. All rights reserved.
If you have any doubts regarding authorized use, please contact me at
Not ready to purchase the full collections? You can purchase individual images of your liking for €15 each.
They have the same resolution and come with the same loving energy as the ones in the full collection.
Select your favorites below.