Welcome, periscoper!

Marcela Circle
Marcela Macias Stylist, Photographer, Visual Strategist
Hi! I’m Marcela I’m a photographer, stylist and visual strategist here at Marcela Macias Photography,and a co-podcaster at Cult of Hybrid. If you are here, it means you just saw me on periscope, @MarcelaMacias27, felt curious, clicked on my profile and landed on this page. Yay! Welcome, welcome. In this page, you’ll find info about my latest periscopes, as well as any resources mentioned during them (such as links, tips and other tools). Scroll down, and clickity click on what interests you!

Latest Periscopes

Friday, April 1st : Livestream photoshoot for The Little Pancake Company


<iframe width="640" height="569" src="https://katch.me/embed/v/47532724-9f55-382e-8a0b-a3e161221043?sync=1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Organization and Time-management Leonie Dawson’s Shining Year in Biz and Life workbooks Susannah Conway’s Unraveling the Year ahead (free workbook) Life is Messy Bootcamp and Planners Dearest Universe System The Desire Map planner Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp, by Denise Duffield-Thomas Manifesting Money Formula, by Denise Duffield-Thomas (free mini course) Pomodoro Technique App Asana (free project management app)

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Freshly baked blog content

New beginnings

CONSTANT BEAUTIFUL CHANGE   18 months ago, my life changed, and this blog changed as a result of that.  18 months ago I moved from being a hobby blogger, documenting parts of my mothering journey with Luka and Zoe into the world of...

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