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Organization and Time-management Leonie Dawson’s Shining Year in Biz and Life workbooks Susannah Conway’s Unraveling the Year ahead (free workbook) Life is Messy Bootcamp and Planners Dearest Universe System The Desire Map planner Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp, by Denise Duffield-Thomas Manifesting Money Formula, by Denise Duffield-Thomas (free mini course) Pomodoro Technique App Asana (free project management app)

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Freshly baked blog content
Being a Mumpreneur, client referrals and my first year in business
I'm writing today, from a very, VERY hot Cypriot Summer, while my kids play in the living room of our apartment and our cat (Kitty) sleeps on the sofa by my side. Today is the 10th anniversary of the day my husband and I started dating, back in Abidjan. In just 2...
New beginnings
CONSTANT BEAUTIFUL CHANGE 18 months ago, my life changed, and this blog changed as a result of that. 18 months ago I moved from being a hobby blogger, documenting parts of my mothering journey with Luka and Zoe into the world of...
Celebrating Life is Messy Kitchen
I can’t even begin to explain how I feel today. If you could peek inside my heart, all you would see is sheer joy. Today, Life is Messy Kitchen comes out into the World for all of you to see and enjoy. For all of you to cook with and play in the kitchen. Your kitchen:...
The big O of overwhelm, and everything I have been doing this month
Good morning dear friends! I know, I know, it has been AGES since I last wrote here. Do you still remember me? I'm Marcela. You haven't seen me in a while, I know, but I promise I have been thinking about you! So, what happened? Why haven't I been here, you may...