What would it feel like if your brand’s photos were recognized everywhere?
- being so proud about the look and feel of your business that you feel brave enough to pitch Oprah…
- having people recognize your photos the minute they pop in their news feed…
- making new sales every time you post a photo in social media…
- And imagine achieving all that without needing to watch another youtube tutorial about white balance- ever.

Marcela Macias
Photographer, Food + Product Stylist, Mystic-nerd.
MEET Marcela
I help soulful creative entrepreneurs, food industry professionals and businesses develop a beautiful, consistent and strategic visual presence to help them reach their perfect customers, connect deeply and sell more.
I photograph and consult for cookbook authors and business owners who are ready to harness the full power of gorgeous photographs to increase their revenue and their impact, and who understand the expansive potential of visual marketing strategies.
As a photographer and stylist, with experience in photographing for cookbooks, ads and web, I have worked alongside businesses and entrepreneurs from around the World to help them position themselves as experts in their industry, increase their fan base, and develop successful marketing campaigns.
My secret weapons are…

A mystic soul
I’m a yogini and a consistent meditator. I channel prop purchases and the design of my photographs. I believe we’re all one, and that effective photographs are those that connect energetically and emotionally to your ideal clients.

A nerdy brain
I create photographs applying a combination of intuition, empathy, market research, design theories and visual persuasion, for maximum impact. All those nerdy details you don’t like to think about? They make my eyes twinkle.

A creative heart
My artistic process is heartily guided. I feel my way through the conception, styling and execution of every photo. I think in colors and photograph emotions-the emotions that your work is meant to evoke in those you are meant to help.

- That we should start a crusade against ugly stock and generic photos that look like someone else’s…or worse, like everyone else’s.
- That amazing photographs are an integral part of a successful business and that dazzling photos are the ones that have your own voice and speak straight to the heart of those who are meant to care.
- That great customer service is the best business card and that when we deeply care for our clients our businesses bloom too.
- That when we combine strategy, persistence, heart and a deep sense of purpose we can achieve anything. It’s like Magic Pixie.
- That Wizards are the coolest guys in Middle Earth and that Hermione should have married Harry.
- That dark chocolate has the power to make everything better.
- That daily giggles and laughter make life worth living.
- That each and every one of us comes to this planet with gifts and talents, and that life is the journey we embark upon to discover and embrace them.
- That we are all connected and that our actions and our thoughts impact the whole, like the overlapping circles of the flower of life.
- My clients, who all work to make the World kinder, prettier, better in their own way. It is an honor to help them achieve their goals and dreams.
- Set design. I am that annoying friend who, in the middle of a movie, says things like “I love the pattern of that cushion!” and pays equal attention to the magnets on Modern Family’s fridge as to the action going on in the scene.
- Looking and finding patterns in everything. Hiding patterns and clues in my photos and waiting to see who picks them up. (It’s my own version of a treasure hunt).
- Outlander, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, The Witcher, Star Wars (Baby Yoda!), The OA, Russian Doll, Mad Men, True Detective, SNL, Modern Family. Also, Outlander. And did I mention Outlander? (you get where this is going ;).
- Reading, with a passion (remember the nerdy part?). I read everything and anything I can get my hands on. Except 50 shades of Grey, which probably makes me the only middle-aged woman who escaped the hype.
- Vampire movies, books, TV series, you name it. From Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot to True Blood, there’s something about vamps that always gets me. If there’s vampires AND witches, even better. (Wait: You didn’t think I only read serious books, did you?).
- Woods and Forests, the feel of a warm cup of tea between my hands when days are misty and cold, the smell of grass after the rain, the sight of a thunderstorm, and the sound of fallen leaves crushed under my feet.
- White magnolias (magnolia grandiflora), which remind me of my childhood.
- Taking photos of my toy Troll when I travel ( Remember Amélie Poulain?)
- Travelling and learning new languages. I love it so much that I have lived in 4 continents, 7 countries and 8 cities (so far), I’m fluent in 5 languages and I’m studying my 6th!.

And in case you’re curious…
I’m Argentinian. And Italian. My husband is from Serbia and we met in Ivory Coast. My children were born in Cyprus. We now live in Vienna, Austria. Multiculturalism, anyone?
I’m a lawyer, with an LL.M in Human Rights and International Justice. I used to work in UN Peacekeeping.
I call myself a mystic-nerd. 50% Scully, 50% Mulder. Woo-Woo and Science. Gemstones and Systems. Tree-Hugger and Technology lover. The child that Alma Whittaker and Ambrose Pike didn’t have (What? you didn’t read The Signature of All Things? We can’t be friends.).
I sing so badly that even my grandma (a soprano leggero herself) asked me to stop doing it.
My soul’s home is Glastonbury, England.
I’m 100% unable to draw. Except for stick people. I can draw stick people, the sun and a cloud. Oh! And a house with smoke coming out of a fireplace (which basically gives me the drawing skills of a 3 year old)
I’m an INFJ-A in Myers Briggs, The Talent in Fascination Advantage, Connector-Provider in Stand-Out- and obviously addicted to personality tests! According to Gallup my strengths are Learner, Achiever, Connectedness, Input and Individualization. My archetypes are Alchemist/Magician, Muse/Innocent, Explorer
I’m a proud Hufflepuff.
I have grapheme-color synesthesia: I feel colors in written words, letters and numbers.
don’t be a stranger. come say hi!
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(hint: it’s not what’s popular on instagram)